What It Is | Amy Winehouse | Supertesti.it

What It Is

Testo What It Is

I can see you hitting me
But I‘m not always forward thinkin‘
I tell you what you want to hear
It depends on what I‘ve been drinkin‘
Cuz everything I do or say
Makes it hard for you to stay
We both know what it is
Nowadays we talk to much
Like your forgetting all the good shit
You decide whats wrong wit me
I always used to let you say
But now I like to think out loud
Your runnin‘ with some different crowd
We both know what it is
I don‘t know you anymore
Supposed to be tha man
That I live my life by
And your attitude become a bore
And I‘m so tired I can‘t even cry
Mr Ultra sensitive
I‘ll never let myself forget you
Messed each other up you know
So I‘m sorry if I upset you
tomorrow is another day
So I‘ll call you cuz that‘s OK
We both know what it is
I don‘t know you anymore
Supposed to be that man
That I live my life by
And you‘re attitude become a bore
And I‘m so tired
I can‘t even cry
Relationship doesn‘t remain
We resonate on different planes
I could cut you down again
If you were like all other men
If you were like all other men
I know that I could cut you down again
But my friend, but my friend
I dont know you anymore
Supposed to be tha man
That I live my life by
And your attitude become a bore
And I‘m so tired I can‘t even cry
I don‘t know you anymore
Supposed to be that man
That I live my life by
And your attitude become a bore
And I‘m so tired I can‘t even cry

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